Summer is almost upon us, the evenings are getting lighter, and everyone’s itching to get out their barbecues. It’s no secret that most of us love sunnier days and brighter evenings, but you might be surprised at just how many benefits all of that natural light has; so we thought we’d explain just why natural light is so good for you and give you some tips on how to maximise the natural light in your home so that you can reap all of the benefits!
What are the benefits of increasing the natural light in your home?
Increasing Focus
Being in a room with plenty of natural light is fantastic for increasing focus. All of us are ruled by our circadian rhythms (built-in clocks, which determine our sleep cycle, stimulation, and relaxation). Our exposure to light has a significant influence on this. Electrical company Philips conducted a study that shows lighting really can be a substantial factor in improving mood and productivity. Who’d have thought that a quick fix to keep procrastination at bay could be so simple?!
So many of us are still working from home, and it can be hard to stay focused when there are added distractions at home like doorbells and pets! If you can, make sure your home workspace is in a room with plenty of light (south-facing rooms are usually the best). If this isn’t possible, try and make time during your day to go out on a walk in the daylight or spend some time in a well-lit room to give you a productivity boost!
It increases happiness and prevents SAD
This one may sound obvious; I think we can all agree that a bright sunny day puts us in a better mood, but the science shows that light exposure goes deeper than simply lifting your mood. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that is triggered by changes in the seasons, most frequently occurring in the winter months when the days get darker and colder.
Nobody really knows exactly why SAD happens, but it is thought to be because the lack of natural daylight affects your serotonin levels, which significantly influences your mood and sleep cycle.
To combat this, make the most of the precious little daylight in the winter months and (if the outside is too cold) get some relaxation in a well-lit room with a good book and a cup of tea!
It’s fantastic for your physical health as well as your mental health
Most people are always on the lookout for simple, healthy lifestyle changes to improve their overall health, but before you reach for the latest fad diet book or fitness trend, the beginning of your journey to improve your health could start with natural light exposure.
The benefits of sunlight are much more plentiful than you may think. It alters the levels of nitrous oxide in your blood which can lower your blood pressure, vitamin D from sunlight is essential to the function of some of your white blood cells, boosting your immunity and helping you fight off infection. The higher levels of serotonin caused by sunlight suppress appetite, too, so chilling out in the sun could be the next diet craze!
It could increase the value of your home
Natural light is one of the best ways to open up a space and make it feel super spacious, so having space like this in your home could mean people would be willing to pay more should you wish to sell it.
Natural light also helps if you have a great view from your property; big windows don’t just let in all of that beautiful light; they frame a fantastic view too! This means that your home becomes more desirable to potential buyers and drives the value up.
Our top tips to increase natural light in your home
# 1: Accessorising your windowsills always adds character to your home, but blocking your windows too much has a negative impact on the light coming into your home, so try and avoid cluttering your windowsills too much with tall ornaments or plants! The same goes for furniture, too! Make sure that you avoid putting furniture in the way of your windows where possible.
#2: To amplify the light as well as make your windows appear larger, painting the interior frames and sills white is a great tactic. White reflects light, making any space feel more open and bright. The odds are that your interior frames and sills are already white; however, a fresh coat of paint to brighten them up can make a big difference! Using lighter colours on the walls in your home helps this brightening effect too.
#3: Heavy drapes and curtains are fantastic for retaining heat and making a room feel cosy, but striking a balance is key so that heavy drapes don’t block out any natural light on a brighter summer’s day. Picking drapes in a lighter shade and using curtain ties to keep them away from your windows when you want to let in the sun is a great way to combat this.

Looking for a home improvement that brightens up your space?
Finally, investing in your home is a great way to increase the natural light. At DJL, we offer a wide range of home improvement solutions. Whether you’re looking for a full extension with skylights, some new windows or anything in between, DJL can help you create your dream space flooded with natural light! For more info or to have a chat, get in touch today!